
La Porta di Mignana


La Porta di Mignana

Holiday Home




Casa Vacanze La Porta di Mignana

Via Mignana, 67 - 50059 Vitolini, Vinci (FI)
P.IVA 04632770485 
Tel. (+39) 0571-584726
Mobile Whatsapp (+39) 347-3174235


The holiday home "La Porta" di Mignana is nestled in the Montalbano hills, among olive groves and woodland areas. It is 4 km far from the birthplace of the genius Leonardo.
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The exposure created in 1935 in the castello dei Conti Guidi is composed of many models of machines inspired by Leonardo's drawings. The new arrangement made in 1986, shows us the various models are accompanied by descriptive cards and set up a room with audio-visual aids.

Leonardiano Museum


A detached section of the Museo Leonardiano, the new museum complex together with the leonardiana library, it serves as a documentation center on Leonardo and his time. Temporary exhibitions as well as educational programmes in the cultural heritage sector. The new premises there are, in fact, a media lab, a classroom equipped kitchen, and rooms for exhibitions.

Leonardiano Museum - Palazzo Uzielli

The first museum in the world was born in Vinci in October 1993: it is dedicated to the universal genius of Leonardo, his art, his land, and to its timeliness. In a place of great beauty, the museum houses over 400 works and objects: from archaeology finds of the environment of Leonardo da vinci paintings and etchings to sculptures and fountains, machine models, and ancient treatises, parts of the exception to the skill of the wonder, to the data bank with the painting and the drawings of Leonardo and the works of contemporary art inspired by the great Renaissance Master.


Museo ideale Leonardo da Vinci


The supposed birthplace of Leonardo (to be ignored by the guides the most famous) is located at Anchiano, a town not far from the centre of Vinci, on a pleasant hillock, between the olive trees, and is an interesting example of rustic architecture. Restored in 1986, and inside, you can find various reproductions of the drawings are drawn and the map of the Valdarno drawn by Leonardo himself.

Birth house of Leonardo


Erected in the XII century., but restored. Located in the village of Faltognano; from the terrace in front of the church you can admire the charming landscape of Valdarno, in the shadow of the secular and the famous Holm-oak.

The Church Of Santa Maria Assunta


We find him at the intersection of the two main streets of Vinci. Inside, an Annunciation on panel attributed to fra Paolino da Pistoia (the first half of '500).

The sanctuary of the SS. Annunziata


Di origine romanica, ristrutturata più volte, il campanile è stato costruito nel 1852, la sua facciata e l'interno a tre navate nel 1929. Il fonte battesimale della chiesa è verosibilmente quello dove fu battezzato Leonardo la domenica in Albis del 1452.

Parish church of St. Cross


Anteriore al Mille, fu rielaborata nei sec. XII e XIII, mentre il presbiterio sorge nel '500. Da notare la facciata romanica, i capitelli decorati e la tavola giottesca attribuita a Puccio di Simone. Si trova in località Sant'Ansano a pochi chilometri da Vinci.

Pieve di San Giovanni Battista

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